How Eleaca Young Turns Creating Into a Special Occasion
Updated Jan 2023: Maker’s Tech U is no longer open.
Maker’s Tech U Member Spotlight SERIES
Artist chat with Eleaca Young, a creative living in the Denali area of Alaska. She has found a love of illustration, mostly botanicals but also documenting her life through art. Give her a journal and a quiet corner and that is where she finds her bliss.
In this interview we chat about Eleaca's art, how she makes creating a special occasion special just for her, her belief that if you can buy the supplies you can do it, what it is like to create in the climate of Alaska and so much more!
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How would you describe your art?
Eclectic. I love vintage ephemera and watercolor botanicals. Currently, I am drawn to faces and figures. I just go where I am drawn to.
What is it about creating that lights you up?
Everything. The challenge, the flow, the ugly, the beauty, Learning, teaching, the fellowship from other creatives. It all sparks so much joy.
How do you live a creative life?
I think everyone is living a creative life. You can’t work a job, raise a family, cook, clean, anything without living a creative life. I honor it by always calling it what it is and where it comes from. God created us to be creative.
How would you describe your creative process?
Since I started doing art as a business I tend to have two different ways of creating.
For me, I take a walk, stretch, meditate, and pray. I light a candle, grab a journal and write out my thoughts. I have my favorite tea and one piece of Italian chocolate. I try to make the experience as sacred as possible. I have a couple of journals that I am working on for personal projects. They are really special to me right now. I do not get a lot of personal creating time unless I schedule it in. I am learning that if I do not take the time for my own personal creative time, I will not have the creativity to share with others.
For others, I look through the journals and other pieces and see if anything sparks an idea to share with others. I have a notebook where I cluster out my ideas for newsletters, blog posts, tutorials, and classes. Then I take those ideas and explore them in more detail. I normally go directly into the art room and start creating. I turn on good music and dive in. It’s really fun.
What is your biggest obstacle when it comes to creating?
Time. Who knew running your own creative business would require so much computer time. I am working on a way to trick my brain into loving this but I am not there yet. I started to think about these duties as a creative process as well. I am starting to really enjoy my newsletters. Making them something I am really proud of but this has taken so much trial and error. I have learned that when these things are taken care of it allows me to have more creative time.
Do you ever experience creative blocks and what do you do to overcome them?
Creative blocks, for me, are always right before a wonderful breakthrough. I try to remind myself of that. When I am feeling uninspired I shift gears. Plan a trip, cook, clean, anything but create. I journal my thoughts and then eventually I feel the block lifting. I have also discovered that it never follows the same pattern. So I just keep trying new things to break the block.
How has your creative journey changed from when you first started creating?
I used to create like I would take a vacation. I mean create in a journal or canvas. Now I do this daily.
Has technology been a struggle for you in creating an online presence or selling your art online? In what way?
The T word is a big word. I did not really realize how important this was or how much of a game changer it was until I started Maker’s Tech. Having my own presence gives me freedom. If Instagram and Facebook died tomorrow I would still have my website, and newsletter.
Because I am creative in every sense of the word my brain does not naturally understand the Tech world. It feels like swimming upstream. Even Instagram was a struggle for me. Tech is constantly changing. I can’t run my Instagram account like I did in 2010.
What has benefited you the most from being a member of Maker’s Tech U?
Being able to create my own website for one. But also being able to change with the times. I read a book years ago. I think it was called From Good to Great. Anyway it talked about how companies that fought technology and the changes, disappeared. Maker’s Tech allows me to stay on top of the changes without being overwhelmed by the research and time it would take to tackle it all.
How has your online presence changed since you joined Maker’s Tech U and applied what you have learned?
I am a more active presence and having a landing place has given me a little more credibility.
What advice would you give to other creatives struggling to move forward for fear of technology?
Take it slow. Follow each and every step and don’t think you have to memorize everything. The information will always be there for you.
What changes would you like to make in your creative journey over the next six months?
Where tech is concerned, my newsletter and blog. I want to put more creative energy into making my blog and newsletter a better reflection of who I am.
What fun activity comes second in your life to creating?
Family is always first. Art and business is second. SO…..Quiet time. Riding my bike, taking walks, reading. I really like alone time. I do not get it often. And NOTHING fills my cup like being alone with my thoughts.
What is your superpower...something you feel makes you really shine and you get excited about?
I think connection is one of my super powers. I enjoy talking to people, sharing our commonalities, reaching out and connecting. I think sometimes we feel very isolated and wonder if anyone else feels the way we do. I feel like part of my job as an artist is to show people that they are not alone. That we are in this together.
Check out all the MTU Member Spotlight Interviews here!
Eleaca Young
Creativity has always been my happy place. When I was little I would choose Lincoln Logs over Barbies. I never went anywhere without a Bic Pen and a spiral notebook to capture my thoughts and doodles.
Later, I discovered mixed media art and fell head over heels in love. I love the freedom of no boundaries. If I want to do it, I can.
My love of botanicals, birds, shelters and all things vintage are a constant thread in all my creations.
I think living in Alaska has been the perfect playground for my love of all things natural and wild. I am surrounded by beauty. I find the scenery and the people equally inspiring. The world is endlessly providing inspiration and my mission is to take full advantage.